Suffering From Dizziness Is Common and Can Come From Many Sources

Jul 27, 2022

Feeling a little paranoid due to dizzy spells lately? Most of the time, one doesn't know what exactly is causing the dizziness, let alone how to cure it. Sadly, sometimes there are serious causes that are coming from medical conditions. This article will look at details needed to understand the dizziness one may have been feeling as well as the remedy.

Dizziness refers to a variety of symptoms such as feeling dizzy, weak, unsteady, or unstable. Many people have this notion that dizziness is no big deal, and most of the time, they are probably right. However, if one gets the episodes repeatedly, it is worth getting a look at. Some symptoms of dizziness include: loss of balance, lightheadedness and a spinning sensation.

Conditions that Cause Dizziness

There are several reasons why one may experience dizzy episodes. Some are more dominant than others. These include:

  • Failure of a body part - Numerous parts of your body come into play to keep you balanced, including your brain, inner ears, eyes, feet, etc. Therefore when a part of a body is off or malfunctions for some reason that can cause dizziness.
  • Blood flow issues - The brain requires a steady supply of blood at all times. This is because it needs the oxygen being carried in the blood; as a result, if blood flow is deficient, it will cause dizziness.
  • Undergoing medication - if one starts feeling dizzy mid-way through an ongoing medication process, chances are the medicine has something to do with it. Some of the drugs that cause dizziness include antidepressants, sedatives and anti-biotics.
  • Low blood sugar - If one's blood sugar falls too low, especially for people with diabetes, the brain does all it can to preserve any ounce of energy possible, causing dizzy spells.
  • Dehydration - When the body loses too much water due to insufficient intake of food or water or overheating, the amount of blood lowers, causing low blood pressure, and as a result, the brain does not get enough blood. This causes dizziness.
  • Vertigo - Has your friend ever told you he feels like the room is moving around? Chances are, he was going through a type of dizziness known as vertigo. There are tiny bits of calcium in the inner ear, and when they get loose for whatever reason, that sends the wrong signal to the brain from the ear, causing dizziness.

Treating and Removing Dizziness

Although dizziness may often cure itself without any treatment, there are numerous ways to cure dizziness based on what caused it in the first place. For instance:

  1. Medication - Seeing a doctor is one of the most common methods of attempting to cure dizziness. During the session, the doctor will check primary hearing and balance, for example, eye movement, head movement, and rotary chair testing. They may also go further to blood tests if the case is extreme. However, should the dizziness continue, there are prescriptions to help make the situation more manageable.
  2. Physical Therapy - As mentioned earlier, the inner ear plays a part in keeping the body stable. In physical therapy sessions, the ear causing trouble is identified and corrected. This is done by moving the head into numerous positions as guided by the physician. This is called the Epley maneuver. It takes an average of 3 to 4 lessons max to complete.
  3. Hydrating More - Drinking water is essential for retaining your blood pressure. For one feeling dizzy, a glass of water may be what one needs to get rid of the episodes. However, if one is over dehydrated, it may not work. This type of patient will require what is otherwise known as an intravenous infusion of fluid.
  4. Acupuncture - This method has been rated as one of the best when it comes to curing dizziness. Its effect is immediate without any medication. It involves inserting small thin needles into specific areas of the skin designed to terminate dizzy spells.

As you can see, dizziness is a condition that may require attention, medical and self-care. Do not wait until the situation gets out of hand. Seek medical attention if it does not go away with self- care, or if it takes more than a few days, or if the episodes become frequent.

Health Disclaimer: All articles and graphics on this website are produced for purposes of general information only. This article is not meant to be an alternative to advice from a certified doctor or qualified healthcare provider and shouldn’t be solely relied on as personal health advice. The results may vary from person-to-person from any treatment or advice used from this article. strongly recommends to always seek the guidance of a certified doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding health or medical issues. The advice and treatment plans should never be disregard from a healthcare professional, or delay seeking it because of this article.

If it is a medical emergency, call a certified doctor, visit the closest hospital, or dial emergency services immediately. Choosing to rely on this article is strictly done at your own risk.

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